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SIRE MEXIA is a consulting, accounting, and auditing company established in Madrid, created by Antonio Siré in 2003, French Expert-comptable and Spanish Auditor.

Portuguese and French, Antonio Siré, was Auditor in París of Calan Ramolino (Deloitte & Touche) and in Madrid of Constantin (Deloitte & Touche), and Finance Manager in Spain of JCDecaux and Alstom T&D.

The firm has three targets:

  • To assist firms in Spain in the areas of management, local law, and audit.

  • Help customers to set up abroad.

  • Assist on the restructuring and winding-up companies.


The activities of the company are three:

1)  Management and Finance services: Accounting implementation and monitoring, financial reporting, outsourcing services (registered office, payroll, tax and social returns and accounting).

2)  Audit:

  • Legal and contractual audit.

  • Due diligence.

3)  Consulting:

  • Assist firms to set up abroad in Spain (Creation of trade corporations and Representation Desk, VAT recovery, feasibility studies, human resources selection and local selection).

  • Legal and financial consultancy services.

  • Tax advice for companies and particulars.

  • Assist on the restructuring and winding-up companies:

–  Providing legal advice on procurement on sales agent’s contracts.

–  Providing Human Resources services.

–  Consultancy on business plan.

The collaborators and partners have an extensive experience in the areas of Tax, Financial and Accounting Management, Human Resources and Audit.

SIRÉ MEXIA has a network of correspondents in France, Italy, Portugal, and Spain. 

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